What are civil libertarians concerned about?
Read this rundown by Sydney Morning Herald columnist Richard Ackland on what concerns civil libertarians.
If you can’t get through to the SMH site, you can read it here.
Read this rundown by Sydney Morning Herald columnist Richard Ackland on what concerns civil libertarians.
If you can’t get through to the SMH site, you can read it here.
So Attorney-General Ruddock is threatening to override the recent ACT terror legislation. He feels our laws are flawed because we can’t preventively detain 16 and 17-year-olds and the AFP actually has to show that uses of its detention powers are n…
To citizens who value civil liberties and democracy, the move by the Federal government to over-ride the ACT Legislative Assembly anti-terror legislation is extremely disturbing. The ACT government modified draconian federal laws to be more in line…
Civil Liberties Australia congratulates the Chief Minister for standing up for the nation’s traditional legal system at the meeting of Australian governments, COAG. Mr Stanhope said the ACT would oppose a new double-jeopardy proposal, under which a p…
CLA submission to the community consultation process on the Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2006 on a wide range of issues.
Read submission here.