Stopping executions overseas: what’s forgotten
As Australians face imminent execution in Bali, after AFP perfidy, and Australia considers extraditing people overseas into harm’s way, it is time to look back on CLA work in 2008: 24 Jan 2015
As Australians face imminent execution in Bali, after AFP perfidy, and Australia considers extraditing people overseas into harm’s way, it is time to look back on CLA work in 2008: 24 Jan 2015
AG Brandis and the government came under fire during Senate Estimates hearings over why Australia apparently did not care when two of our citizens were assassinated by the USA.
An apparently botched execution in the USA has seen a prisoner experience ‘incredible pain’ before dying, exactly as a Harvard medical professor had warned years earlier.
Adults using Facebook should be free to read and watch mostly what they want, CLA believes. Sometimes, gruesome material can help motivate people to campaign against what offends them.
China is aiming to abolish the death penalty, a senior Chinese judge told a group of Australian NGOs at a China-Australia human rights dialogue meeting in Australia in July. While the aim appears to be long-term, closer at hand is a brand new law for th…
Police investigations of deaths in custody and alleged abuses were not satisfactory in the 1980s: they remain unsatisfactory today, says Tamar Hopkins, whose community legal centre leads a nationwide push for better accountability mechanisms. She explod…