What causes overcrowding?

Editor, The West Australian: Sir, I respond to your report ‘Overcrowding to blame for jail assaults’ TWA 16 Dec 09 p18.
It goes without saying that overcrowded prisons where prisoners are forced to share a cell with other prisoners will always be open t…

This Bill should not pass

The Rudd Government is about to pass laws which are ‘…diluting basic criminal justice principles’ and ‘jeopardis(ing) the most fundamental individual rights’, according to the Opposition, which still plans to vote for the unconscionable legislation. It…

Why Ferguson’s rights matter

A correspondent has lashed out at people like us for supporting convicted pedophile Dennis Ferguson, out of jail after completing his sentence but being hounded from pillar to post. Here’s the reply, by CLA CEO Bill Rowlings, to the writer Lenny who…