Gag on Hicks

John Howard, Alexander Downer and Philip Ruddock succeeded in having David Hicks gagged until after the election. They say it is a coincidence, but if you believe that, I have a Harbour Bridge I would like to sell you.
They are now lo…

Unwitting service to al-Qaeda

I write to applaud The Canberra Times editorial (April 2, 2007). It is a deeply thoughtful and challenging piece. We in Civil Liberties Australia are deeply disturbed by the response to terrorism that is basically lawless, and breeches fundamental human…

Light on Hicks

The article by Hugh Selby ("Outrage over Hicks a beacon for justice", March 5, p17) is an excellent exposition of Hicks’s tragic circumstance. Read with the article by Michael Otterman below it, it is also deeply disturbing.…

Proud no more

I have in the past been proud to be an Australian. When I met yanks and Brits overseas I felt at least equal to them (perhaps more than equal) but now Australians stand less tall in the world.The US Military Commission’s laws for Gatanomo Bay detai…

No case to answer

Attorney-General Philip Ruddock declares that the Australian Government is pressing the Americans to try David Hicks as soon as possible. The big question is: why haven’t they tried him already? The answer is, of course, as Ruddock and Prime Minis…

Three wise monkeys

Those three wise monkeys, Messrs Howard, Downer and Ruddock, must have been delighted at the alerting and alarming headline ‘Nuclear plant target for stolen rocket launchers’ (SMH Jan 6-7). Such alarmist tirades provide support for their w…