As debate about The Voice becomes shriller on whether and how First Nations people can have a better say, the real question for all Australians is how we can gain the right to free speech and other freedoms currently only ‘suggested’ by court opinions. In early March, the results of a four-year study into how ‘Free & Equal’ we should be will be handed down, along with – CLA hopes and expects – a recommendation for a federal Human Rights Act. That, as well as major changes to secrecy, privacy, discrimination and fixing the mess of the forensics, failing to disclose and the ‘justice’ system, in general, will highlight the agenda for the next two years.
- CLA’s Australia Day letter proposes national forensic regulatory body
- Failure to disclose bedevils Kiwi and Oz miscarriages of justice
- SA example of how bending truth breaks justice
- How should Australia declare war? Not on the say-so of a few
- One state locks up more kids than any other
- Experts called for changed approach to juvenile jail
- Judged endorse ‘budging’ the law’s progress? CLA prefers a shove by bulldozer
- Police leave in record numbers
- Removing bars: more protections for parolees
- Artificial lawyer to plead case in court
- Biden is a good judge of women in law