As airport scanners enter see-through mode at Australian airports, and the parliament fails doubly on human rights (once over refugees, once over Aborigines), the second half of 2012 seems primed for conflict. Heading for collision are the federal parliament’s multifarious players, rebellious states, a new territory government, the chameleon media and an increasingly fragmented Australian people. Will there be a Canberra Spring?
At least the National Liberty Tree is newly thriving, even as yachties battle for their rights below the sea in the ‘dead centre’. There’s to be a new military court (with luck, a law-abiding one this time round), and new treaty holds out hope for all sorts of detainees. CLA criticises the High Court for trying to be above the natural law, while a new inquiry seeks to quantify the risks facing Australia’s bureaucratic offshore endeavours.
Other items in this issue include:
- Bail law to be improved, but only in one state;
- Magistrate reveals unacceptable situation in court cells;
- NT gears for election, and battles major mental health issue;
- The Longest FOI Request: 29 years and still counting…;
- One government to boost whistleblower protection;
- Will Australia use drones to kill people?
- Independent reviewer calls for winding back of terror laws;
- One country, but two dates for its national election;
- Church obsessed with sex;
- Police seizure for FBI was illegal, court rules.