A strategy roundtable in Sydney in June aims to corral NGOs into sticking to agreed key messages during the upcoming national debate over a charter of rights and responsibilities for Australia. The roundtable, sponsored by HREOC and a law centre at UNSW, is assuming greater importance as opponents of a rights instrument start to occupy much space in newspapers with their views. Other major developments reported in this CLArion include further erosion of people’s data privacy in the driver’s licence area, and obvious difficulties with FOI legislation in NSW and curbing police excesses in Victoria (without trampling all over the human rights of police officers).
In international news, Timor Leste is going through legislative governance problems as a result of the shooting attack on its President. Repression directed at the media continues to be a major concern in Sri Lanka, and several court rulings in the UK and USA are calling the most fundamental human rights issues back into question.
Other highlights featured in this month’s CLArion include:>
- Another government agency sells public trust;
- Governments at last take ID crime seriously;
- Frustrated Ombudsman works around FOIbles;
- CLA reports on major activities for April;
- Charter’s first year produces patchy progress;
- Concerns over government’s universal tapping;
- Bins can put your weights up;
- Controversial ‘truth report’ due to be handed down:
- USA’s prison culture tops world’s jail numbers;
- Soldiers have rights too, British court says; and
- What rights do little green men have?
Previous CLArions (pdf files) are also available: