Following the formal calling of proposals for Notice of Motions for the eAGM 2020 there is one proposal for consideration at the eAGM. The CLA Board has proposed a motion for consideration of financial members of CLA at the eAGM 2020.
Members may make comment and discuss the proposal via the Leave a Reply facility at the end of this article. Members may comment on any reply. Comments close on 3 March 2020.
The Board Proposal is:
NOTICE of MOTION to change the CLA Constitution – 2020 AGM:
The CLA Board proposes to tidy up the Civil Liberties Australia Inc (CLA) constitution to:
- keep up with the ACT Government updating of its “model constitution” (which forms the basis of the CLA constitution) [paragraph 1.1], and
- correct a date in the constitution which is not applicable [paragraph 1.2].
The current constitution (V5) is available here.
Substitute Paragraph 1.1
The ACT Government requires registered, incorporated associations (as CLA is) to adopt new “dispute resolution” provisions to the benefit of members which it has newly enacted in its Model Constitution. As well, members of entities can now ask for and receive summaries of board meetings (the CLA board already provides summaries for all members in the CLArion newsletter). CLA will clearly satisfy the new ACT changes, now and for any future Model Constitution changes, by merely deleting three words from the constitution – “as a guide” – from the end of clause 1.1.
Amend Paragraph 1.2
Since founding in 2003, CLA memberships have run for 12-month periods from the date of joining- renewing. However, the constitution says that the “final date” each year shall be 31 March for counting membership cut-off/cessation – and issuing an audited statement*, and a new board taking office*. Along with the introduction of multi-year membership and on-line renewals, this date is now not relevant. It is proposed to re-define the final date as the due date of renewal for the membership type of a member.
* audited statement and new board date provisions are covered already by other clauses of the constitution, and so do not need to be mentioned in the ‘Definition’.
Please see the proposed new wording under ‘NOTICE OF MOTION” below:
Amend the CLA Constitution by substituting paragraph 1.1 and amending Paragraph 1.2 with the following:
- Preliminary
1.1 This constitution is framed in accord with the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 No 46 of the ACT (the Act), as amended. Where this constitution is silent on a topic or issue, the model rules of the then-current Act shall be used.
1.2 Definitions:
The final date for membership is the due date of renewal for the membership type for a member.
Moved by: President Dr Kristine Klugman; seconded: Vice-President Rajan Venkataraman