Requests for CLA to analyse and propose improvements to federal and state laws are increasing considerably. Current issues we’re working on cover children’s issues to the nation’s war powers, as well as reforming our electoral laws. The pace will only increase, because shortly the Attorney-General will release the report of the national consultation on human rights, and the Communications Minister will table more definite proposals for how he plans to censor the internet.
There is a lot of work in making submissions on proposed laws…but CLA is having some success, as a report on changes to a bill on Serious and Organised Crime points out. Juvenile crime and detention is coming to the surface, particularly the futility of filling our prisons with young Indigenous Australians. Three articles cover major changes under way for the Australian legal profession, hopefully with benefits to all Australians, plus there’s highlight details of CLA Board decisions last month.
Other issues covered include:
- Report on briefing by Dept of Foreign Affairs
- Prison is poisoning mental health of inmates
- MP threatens to cross floor on same-sex legislation
- Mandatory legisation is expanded: when will pollies learn?
- Bikies: UN comments on SA’s ‘extremist’ legislation, now invalid
- Judge upholds right to die in Australia
- UK: DPP lays out reasons to not prosecute suicide helpers
- Soccer World cup threatened by ‘shoot to kill’ policy
- Tamil journalist jailed for 20 years after war is over
- ‘Drugs worse than terrorism…utterly mad’