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Oct 2017 CLArion: Govt living in fear is  newly afraid of fictitious bodies threat

Oct 2017 CLArion: Govt living in fear is newly afraid of fictitious bodies threat

The government, fresh from ringing itself in a steel-fenced citadel, has announced proposed new legal protection to stop fictitious bodies taking over control of the nation. Meanwhile, the politicians meant to safeguard our Constitution are using weird logic to try to safeguard their own positions of power.

Other items in this issue include:

  • Politicians try to twist law to suit themselves
  • Gene developments make new law more urgent
  • Committee proposes better, more rewarding whistleblower protection
  • Should the Senate pass these laws?
  • What you c’n and c’n’t say on a sandwich board
  • Saga set for public run in new stage show
  • Worker has right to private email sex discussion
  • Lobbying adds to cost of drugs


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