Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Minutes of the AGM – 5 April 2008

Minutes of the AGM – 5 April 2008

CLA   AGM    Saturday 5 April 2008   Start: 4.00pm

Minutes of the AGM for the 2007 year, held in 2008.

Present: NOTE: The list of those present has been removed from the website version, for privacy reasons: if you are a member and would like a listing of those present, please email the Secretary and he will post a hard copy to you, with names in all relevant areas.

Apologies: (As per the NOTE above).

Minutes of 2007 AGM: Accepted (Moved AW, seconded AA)

Matters arising: Nil

Annual report (circulated): Accepted (AA, AW). Anne Cahill Lambert congratulated the Directors on doing a fine job in 2007 (endorsed by acclamation).

President’s report:

Areas where members could have immediate, helpful input:

  • Membership: each member join up one person. Letter writing interstate.
  • Issues: prisons (DS), death penalty (VA), police (LW), refugees (BH), whistleblowers (ML, WBA), privacy (RC, APF)
  • General Public Inquiries: answer by email, group required
  • Students: management and coordination activities (forums, internships)
  • Radio extension program
  • Branches liaison (Goulburn, Braidwood, Central West NSW, WA, SA, NT)
  • Lecturing ADFA, AFP, community groups
  • Submission writing: initiating

President’s plans for 2008-2010

THE FUTURE OF CLA – President’s address to AGM 5 April 2008

We need to secure the long term existence and successful operation of a national, non-government, community based body to defend civil liberties in Australia. While agencies such as the Human Rights Commission and Ombudsman operate at a governmental level, CLA is the people’s voice for defending our rights and against infringements of our liberties.

This body must work cooperatively with existing civil liberties bodies and expand activities into areas of Australia not currently encompassed and protected. It will need a substantial injection of funds, to support an executive CEO and administration/management officer. It will also in the longer term require a premises in Canberra, existing or purpose built, as a national centre for human rights and civil liberties gatherings, research and management.

I propose to work in the next three years to secure this financial foundation and on-going operational viability. I will not seek or accept the position of CLA president at the next election of officers, and plan to devote my efforts entirely to this objective. I calculate CLA will need total sponsorship of three million dollars, to allow for investment returns of 6% return to support the salary of the CEO ($80,000) and administrative officer ($50,000) plus on-costs and running expenses. I intend (with the agreement of the AGM) to pursue this objective, and make personal representations to major law firms, businesses and corporations.

As part of this evolution, there needs to be devolution of specific tasks to a wider range of CLA members, as well as Directors. See agenda for examples – please help in any area that interests you.

We are extremely fortunate to have a strong foundation in an excellent web site management by Lance, financial management by Kevin, media liaison by Dean and CLArion production and overall lateral thinking by Bill. The proposal before you would not be possible without those essential building blocks. I commend this proposal to you.

– Kris Klugman, President

Various members offered suggestions re organisations to approach for funding support.

The Financial Report, prepared by Treasurer Kevin Popple and circulated, was accepted (MB, JS).

Membership fees: The Board considers there is no need for a rise at this time, despite foreshadowing in the previous year there may be a need for a rise.

Officer bearers:

The President informed the meeting that she had, under the provisions of the Constitution, appointed Anne Cahill Lambert as a Director. She foreshadowed that she was unlikely to stand for re-election as President in 2009. As no election was required in 2008, the office-bearers for 2008 are:>

Dr Kristine Klugman OAM President
Bill Rowlings Vice-president, CEO/Secretary
Amanda Alford Director
Vic Adams Director
Anne Cahill Lambert Director
Kevin Popple Treasurer
James Staples Director
Anthony Williamson Director
Lance Williamson Director/Webmaster

Other business:

The President thanked Prof Simon Bronitt and the National Europe Centre for making the venue available to CLA for the AGM. The President declared the meeting closed at 4.40pm, and welcomed the speaker, Prof. George Williams.

Address by Professor George Williams: A Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Australia? learning from the European, UK, Canadian, NZ and US models. The address was extremely illuminating, and very well presented. There were many pertinent questions. Prof. Williams exhorted members to lobby members of Parliament and be active in letter to the editor in support of the Charter of Rights, and in particular to make their opinions know to the Attorney-General.

Meeting closed at 5.35pm, and was followed by refreshments.

Interim signatures: Confirmation after 2009 AGM:

Kristine Kugman

Bill Rowlings 8/4/08

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