Plea extends to all sentenced to death
When Australia pleads for the lives of two Bali 9 members on death row in Indonesia, it is a plea for everyone everywhere sentenced to state killing, Melissa Parke says. 14 Feb 2015
When Australia pleads for the lives of two Bali 9 members on death row in Indonesia, it is a plea for everyone everywhere sentenced to state killing, Melissa Parke says. 14 Feb 2015
A foolish, lazy parliament refuses to safeguard rights to our own genes, putting Australian women at distinct disadvantage to American women in testing for breast cancer. 26 Nov 2014
Eyes glugged, nose clogged, ears muffled, you seek a pharmacist’s help… only to be told to STOP. Do you really think we’d get this sick just for drugs? 1 Nov 2014
A US court has just ruled American uni students can’t be forced to undertake mandatory drug tests. Are any Australian colleges trying this on? Let CLA know.
At last, says the New York Times in a formal Editorial opinion, the USA is taking ‘A Saner Approach’ to marijuana and drugs. When will Australian politicians learn?
The WA Govt’s instant rejection of a sensible suggestion by Chief Justice Wayne Martin about justice reinvestment is just plain wrong. Taxpayers want politicians to save money, not ignore good ideas for doing so, CLA’s media release says.