Canberra is tightly fixated on censorship: Attorney-General Robert McClelland wants media outlets to self-censor, only publishing what spooks and police have deemed suitable. Meanwhile, a Senate committee ihas just begun the most comprehensive ever review and analysis of all forms of censorship…though hardly anyone knows about it. The last thing Australia needs is more repressive censorship laws to match the draconian anti-terror legislation which is causing us to spiral downwards into a society ruled by fear.
Despite Australia’s fear-inducing federal government, there are signs that the liberties and rights pendulum has started its counter swing after nearly 10 years of post-9/11 panic. Tasmania continues towards a bill of rights, and the High Court has shown recently why unelected judges are so important in ensuring the rights of even fringe dwellers like bikies.
Other topics covered in December include:
- Chief Justice French on why judicial independence matters;
- Law Council identifies dangerous trend;
- Greater transparency, accountability…here’s hoping;
- Awareness of liberties/rights on the rise;
- Mandatory internet filter may not surface until 2013;
- Search for justice for Indigenous youth continues;
- In one state, you pay the penalty, then get acquitted;
- Fluoride battles still split regional communities;
- Crime pays more in NSW;
- Bomb demonstrates uselessness of full-body scanners; and
- UK jails to empty as mentally ill get help.
Click to read this month’s CLArion – or see below