Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
Proposal for a Notice of Motion – eAGM 2019

Proposal for a Notice of Motion – eAGM 2019

eAGMA formal call for Notice of Motion(s) has been made for this year’s eAGM and any proposal will need to be lodged before 5pm 16 February 2019.

Notices of motion proposed for General Meetings (including an electronic Annual General Meeting) are:

  • usually of major significance: that is, they involve a change of Constitution, or of significant operating procedure, or of major policy direction;
  • a notice of motion and voting on any motion can only be made by a financial member of Civil Liberties Australia;
  • motions are not usually used for minor differences of opinion, for personality-based matters, or for other less significant issues.

Before putting forward a notice of motion for this electronic AGM process, please consider whether something you may want to raise could be handled in a simpler way, for example:

  • request for consideration of an issue by the Board of Directors;
  • development of a policy paper, or optional policy position (you may like to draft one);
  • commissioning of research on a topic, issue or policy;
  • writing of an opinion piece for the website (the editor/webmaster welcome contributions at all times of the year, not only around the eAGM).

If it would help you, please consider discussing a proposed notice of motion with the President or the CEO/Secretary before putting it into the online system. Initial contact details are:

Lodging a Notice of Motion

Members wishing to propose a motion can do so by entering their draft motion and a supporting statement on the following form. Proposed draft motions must be received by the Secretary by 5pm 16 February 2019. Proposals will be considered by the CLA Board at its Board meeting 17 February 2019 as to whether they are suitable to be included in the eAGM ’19 as a motion, and if so the precise wording.

Debate on Proposed Motions

Those draft motions that meet the requirements for consideration at the eAGM will be available for on-line debate/comment from 18 February to 3 March 2019.


Formal motions will be advised on-line and voting will occur between 10 March to 22 March 2019. Members with an email address registered with CLA can vote online. Members without email will be advised by post and can lodge a postal vote (postal votes must be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm AEDT 22 March 2019).

eAgm ’19 timing for the lodgement of a Notice of Motion has closed.

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