We’re looking for positive ideas to throw into the mix around the upcoming federal election. A Bill of Rights is one big issue, but what other ideas and suggestions should CLA be putting forward? A national Crimes Act, married to national courts and a Criminal Cases Review Commission to catch any mistakes? Please send us your ideas. So far in 2019, CLA has ruffled some feathers: we hope to keep doing so all year. Plus, the long-running Sue Neill-Fraser case in Tasmania is coming to a crunch moment in the first week of February.
Also in this issue:
- Our democratic details are being sold for profit
- Treasury wants more secret powers, to reverse law of proof
- Go figure! How organised crime profit is rising alarmingly
- Ramping up fear escalates violence: an oldie but a goodie
- Royal Commission to referee police/prosecutor warfare
- FOI: underfunding and active blocking cut people’s access
- Qld: beautiful one day, naughty the next
- Let half the prisoners out of jails: Minister
- Trump makes American lawyers greatly profitable again
SINGLE COLUMN (read on screen)
2-COLUMN (print, read over a break)