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Smokers at risk in the dark

Smokers at risk in the dark

CLA member Keith McEwan is concerned for all creatures, including smokers. He postulates that a dedicated room, with facilities, might bring them back in from the cold in more ways than one.

Smokers at risk in the dark

Editor, The Age: While most people will support the measures being undertaken to enlighten people about the harmful effects that smoking has on their health and well-being, consideration should be given as to how we treat those addicted to this insidious, legal drug.

Their “fringe-dweller”-like status is most noticeable when we drive past individuals and small groups of smokers standing outside their workplaces, at all hours, being subject to variable weather conditions, and sometimes at risk in the dark.

While such obvious discrimination may stem from sound scientific reasoning, those going out “into the cold” during their work-breaks should at least be offered a sheltered setting for their “smokos”.

Indeed, such a workplace smoking room, containing appropriate medical information and a phone line for those seeking advice and help, could be mutually beneficial for all concerned.


Keith McEwan, CLA member
Bendigo, Vic

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