Members have determined CLA’s priorities for quizzing MPs and political parties before the 2016 election…including some surprising, innovative ideas for how to ensure pollies perform better.
From passing a Bill of Rights law to ending the ‘war on drugs’, members of CLA want political candidates to focus on more than a ‘law and order’ auction and who can be crueller to refugees. And our members have come up with innovative ways to get better performance by MPs, and more dues paid by multinationals with giant profits but minuscule morals. From the government encouraging anonymous dobbing in to the declining standards of Australia’s politicians, the way society is being twisted down a spiral path is alarming…and that’s even before the proposed new law, endorsed by all Australia’s political elite apparently, which would keep people locked up in jail without reason or evidence of guilt even after they had served 10 or 15 or 20 years in jail.
We also report the sad news of the death of a foundation Board Member of Civil Liberties Australia, James Staples.
Items in this issue of CLArion include:
- Blick lays into ‘self-serving’ Public Service mandarins
- Barristers: do they guard – or ‘jail’ – the truth?
- AFP refuses to answer questions from Senator
- French retires: Australia may get female Chief Justice
- Should jurors be fined for researching the case they’re on?
- Publi servants freedom of speech confirmed
- Medical marijuana gets official go-ahead in one state
- Privacy advocate dies, but his message lingers
- What’s yours is yours, in the US but not in Australia
- Detectors dogs fail on drugs, but find snags and cheese
- Canada opts for national euthanasia law
- Protest serves the nation: US Secretary of State Kerry
- When suicide is all you have left
- Virtue-Vice police have their wings clipped
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