The government is trying to tackle the drugs problem at the wrong end, says this submission by a major drug law reform group, prepared with CLA’s help.
The government is trying to tackle the drugs problem at the wrong end, says this submission by a major drug law reform group, prepared with CLA’s help.
Going after criminals under ‘proceeds of crime’ laws is like trying to prevent to prevent house fires caused by hoverboards by ignoring the sales end, and dealing with the issue after the wholesaler and retailer have banked their profits.
There’s a better answer than the ‘war on drugs’: it’s treating “illicit” drugs as a health issue and government regulation of sales like all other drugs, which will eliminate 99% of the incentives for criminals to even be in the ‘drug trade’, says Families and Friends of Drug Law Reform in a major submission prepared with the help of Civil Liberties Australia.
To access the submission document, please Click Here and for other submissions, go to: