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What about the Census? Do I have to…?

What about the Census? Do I have to…?

Census form

Yes, you do. It’s compulsory to complete the Census.  The Census and Statistics Act 1905 says so. Every parliament for more than 100 years has endorsed the idea of a mandatory census. So are Household Surveys compulsory, by the way.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), which collects Australia’s formal records, such as the 2011 Census of Population and Housing (which is its formal name), has an excellent track record for maintaining privacy and security of data. The Census information is private and confidential: no-one outside of the ABS (including other government agencies) is permitted to see your Census responses. Also, individuals or households cannot be identified in Census results or data.

For more details:
About the Census
Privacy and security
The Census and Statistics Act

Survey participant information


One comment

  1. You say “Also, individuals or households cannot be identified in Census results or data.” but on page 1 and 2 it asks where you live and your name, as far as I’m concerned thats identifing me. Who knows what they do with it after I tell them everything. You got a funny definition of identification……


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