August 2013 CLArion newsletter:
‘Shadow of Doubt’ doco will launch new focus on miscarriage of justice

A new 80-minute documentary, Shadow of Doubt, is focusing urgent attention on Australia’s latest miscarriage of justice, like Lindy and the dingo. If it wasn’t for CLA members, there would be no documentary, no such light shone on dark injustice.

July 2013 CLArion newsletter:
Hush-hush ‘Quintet’ is meant to control world surveillance, under orders made in the USA

The West’s surveillance of the world’s phones, computers and personal data has been much in the news: if there’s any supreme body in control, it is the shadowy ‘Quintet’ which meets annually for the US to hand out riding instructions to the UK, Canada, NZ and Australia. At home,a government in its final days has referred the question of access to justice to the Productivity Commission, just as a retiring former Attorney-General calls for a reduction in jailing of Indigenous Australians…if only he had done so when he was in charge of justice! Among 15 overseas news highlights, the ObamaContinue reading