Neither a Royal Commission into juvenile detention, nor new litigation over stolen wages, will deliver true justice forIndigenous Australians. National law reform is now mandatory. 31 July 2016
CLA’s 10-point Better Justice plan, released early in 2016, lays out the bare minimum reforms needed in our legal system over the next decade. One of those reforms is entrenching OPCAT, the Convention Against Torture, which would enforce independent inspection of all detention facilities regularly, meaning tragedies like the NT abuse of juveniles would be brought to light much earlier. The Turnbull government must raise law reform to equal importance with infrastructure, transport, banking, union, health and education reform.
Issues covered in this edition of the CLA newsletter CLArion include:
- Little sense in ABS approach to the census
- Daft legislation to put rule of law at risk in Australia
- What has Royal Commissioner Brian Ross Martin done?
- There are other detention horrors perpetrated by Australia
- ‘Mr Guilty’ judge found to have made simply a ‘beautiful word’ mistake
- Campaign for justice extends beyond 40 years
- Rayney case: all leads exhausted, police say
- DPP’s bail review power ‘disgraceful’: lawyers
- Tasmanian shock: murder accused gets bail
- Ruling asserts privacy of non-US emails
- It wasn’t always so crazy in Texas…
- Senator seeks even bigger profits for drug patent holders
- The Long War on Terror: op-ed from the NYT
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