Don’t shoot the messengers

Young Australians linger apprehensively on death row in Bali, awaiting a final judicial appeal ruling, out of sight and mind, Alexia Hall says. Australia should be campaigning widely for a death penalty-free region, and engaging directly with Indonesia…

Govt should back Aussie Julian

Rather than pillory Julian Assange, and ‘shop’ him to the US Administration to meet whatever fate, the Gillard government should stand up for him…and for the world’s right to free speech, even if honesty and transparency doesn’t suit the Americans, CL…

How rights were prioritised

How were claims to human rights prioritised when the Universal Declaration was being established more than 60 years ago? CLA member Dr Bruce Kent outlines his perspective in European Human Rights 1919-1950: From Negative to Positive Example?
Read artic…

Be afraid of helping Assange!

Be afraid, be very afraid!. That’s how the US Government and, by extension, the Australian Government wants you to be in relation to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Salon’s Glenn Greenwald reveals a long-running government strategy of intimidation, which…

Censorship: have your say

Here’s a chance to have you say on censorship in Australia. You can either make your own, separate submission, or contribute to CLA’s submission, to the Senate inquiry now under way into Australia’s Classification (that is, censorship) scheme.

Living will: your right to die

The issue of right to die has hit the front of Australia’s metropolitan daily newspapers this silly season, with the Canberra Times featuring a call by Professor Ken Hillman to respect people’s wishes. Also featured is the story of CLA member, Adele Ste…