Promoting people’s rights and civil liberties. It is non-party political and independent of other organisations.
CLA holds first electronic annual general meeting (eAGM) – 2009

CLA holds first electronic annual general meeting (eAGM) – 2009

Civil Liberties Australia is holding its first-ever electronic annual general meeting (eAGM) process over the next three months.

The ‘annual general meeting’ becomes the ‘electronic annual general meeting’…or eAGM.  It will elect office bearers for 2009-2011, and consider any major notices of motion.

All nominations, notices of motion, discussions and voting will be handled electronically, online. We believe we are the first entity in Australia to go to full a electronic general meeting, involving annual reporting, discussion/decision and voting processes.

Members at last year’s 2008 physical annual general meeting in Canberra voted for the new electronic format to give CLA members throughout Australia an equal chance of participating in major decisions without having to travel thousands of kilometres.

The 2009 eAGM can involve a possible ballot for directors (if there are more nominations than positions); possible discussion and voting on a motion or motions (if members put one or more forward) and acceptance of the Presidents and Treasurer’s reports.

Formal call for nominations & motions
This notice comprises a formal call for nominations for the board and for draft notices of motion to change major policy/constitutional provisions. Please note that there are guidelines for nominating or putting forward a motion: please read these before doing so, so as to not inconvenience other CLA members unnecessarily.
Broadly, there is a period for nominating, followed by a period of debate discussion if needed, and then a period for formal voting. The timetable is:

Thursday 1 Jan to Friday 23 Jan 09
  • Call for any nominations for members of the board/directors (Nominees may provide 300-word statement and photo);
  • Call for draft motion(s);
Friday 23 Jan 09
  • Nominations for Board vacanacies close;
  • Draft motion(s) close
Friday 30 Jan to Friday 27 Feb 09
  • Call for seconds for board nominees;
  • Draft Notice of Motion(s) posted to web site;
  • Discussion period/debate on web site (blog style) on draft Notice of Motion(s):-
    • Members can comment and debate draft;
    • Members can propose amendments to draft Notice of Motion(s)
Friday 27 Feb 09
  • Call for seconds for board nominees close;
  • Closure of discussion/denate on Notice of Motion(s)
Friday 6 Mar to Friday 27 Mar 09
  • Voting for Board vacancies opens;
  • Voting on Notice of Motion(s) opens
Friday 27 Mar 09
  • Voting closes on Board vacancies and Notice of Motion(s)
Saturday 4 Apr 09
  • DeAGM – Declaration of electronic AGM;
  • Meeting at National Europe Centre, ANU (4-6pm), with guest speakers, including Professor Simon Bronitt

Note: Because all voting will be online, there will be no voting or moving of motions at the DeAGM – Declaration of electronic Annual General Meeting – on 4 April.

A separate page has been created to keep you updated on eAGM happenings – go here

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