The first No Rights Without Remedy clauses in a Human Rights Act in Australia will soon become law. Anyone ACT resident who has a complaint about their rights being breached will be able to take a case for conciliation to the ACT Human Rights Commission. The breakthrough is establishing a model for a future national HR Act. Meanwhile (Walter) Sofronoff inquiries continue to dominate legal headlines: accusations of a missed core issue blight the Queensland forensics inquiry, while the former DPP suing over Sofronoff findings in the ACT will see a judge imported from Victoria to wrestle with some curly legal niceties…or un-niceties.
Other highlights this month include:
- New Security Monitor will have big job living up to Donaldson
- Defence reveal more than 30 troops may be charged with war crimes
- Gambling leads to suicide: report
- Stand by for a ‘live’ test of drug taking in the community
- $300K ruling against ‘jail from the hip’ judge
- Gassed kids gain about $250,000 each in compensation
- Investigator being investigated over Top End killing
- Toothless TIC finds reason not to probe integrity issues
- Care residents drugged to cope with mental illness
- DATES: Crucial world forensics conference set for Sydney next month