Much about wider military and general society is revealed by the alleged murders committed by special forces troops. Cover-ups and refusal to account for bad behaviour are rampant throughout politics and police forces, and strongly suspected among the security elite. CLA believes widespread change is needed to re-boot society, starting with a strong ICAC accountability mechanism to de-power ruling elites, and a human rights act and tribunal to empower the less-privileged.
Also in this issue:
- Excessive emergency powers should be reined in
- Suicide Commissioner Boss is a good choice
- Consultant trades in national interests
- QR codes can hide privacy dangers
- Australia signs another secret trade deal
- New class joins the High Court:who’s the pea for CJ?
- London Met Police: couldn’t lie straight in bed
- UAE frees up booze and cohabiting
- Weed wins! NZ election produces more victories
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