A federal parliament committee’s inquiry peeling back secrecy around aged care practices will dominate early 2018. There’s also grave danger in the ‘creeping Stalinism’ of proposed anti-whistleblower laws. The parliament’s fiasco about who is eligible to sit in the House and the Senate, along with perennial expenses rorting and other disdainful practices, is indicative of a continuing contempt by MPs for the citizens who elect them.
Other items in this issue include:
- 2018 CLA electronic Annual General Meeting is under way
- CLA member Melissa Parke on UN’s Yemen investigation panel
- Can we please finger this man for security supremo?
- Making the GG President, by legislation
- Military should adopt inquisitorial legal system: Brigadier
- Trade deal may be too high a price to pay
- Forensic science fail: ‘miscarriages inevitable’
- YOUR genes? Not if testing companies have their way
- Three little words lose their power
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