No matter who rules Australia, the fight for a national corruption watchdog, for better treatment of refugees, and for winding back excessive surveillance and spookery needs to go on, perhaps even more diligently.
If Brexit in he UK and the rise of Trump in the US is teaching us anything, it is that ordinary citizens need to take positive, concerted action to ensure no ‘wildcard’ forces usurp the steering of the ship of state and head us all in a direction we don’t want to go. Nowhere is this more important than in safeguarding the principles and morals of the nation, as represented by civil liberties, human rights and traditional freedoms.
Issues covered in this edition of the CLA newsletter CLArion include:
- Australians demand anti-corruption body
- Stand by to protect Medicare as technical systems change
- Law Council and CLA calls provide blueprint for future campaigning
- Australian digital rights deserve a guardian
- Elder abuse comes under scrutiny
- Vics move to introduce dignified dying law
- NSW plans to compensate Aborigines for centuries-long maltreatment
- One jurisdiction may introduce a privacy tort
- Tas CLA-ers plan ambitious program
- Call for major justice overhaul in the west
- Hope for better human rights in Vietnam: DFAT
- Prisoner, jailed at 15, may be freed 63 years later
- No bail one day, free as a bird the next: PNG’s legal system
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