The Child is Father of the Man
Considering the ‘Me Too’ campaign, it seems to me that the problems associated with it, in Australia anyway, require long- term solutions rather than expressions of anger.
Right from the start, boys are disadvantaged. They are more likely to suffer from relatively modern ‘behavioural disorders’. Traditionally, they receive less affection from their fathers. They suffer greater adverse social reaction to a perceived lack of sporting ability. They are less well suited to formal learning environments at 5/6 years of age.
The child is father of the man and the statistics for suicide, death by misadventure, incarceration rates, crimes of violence, drug and alcohol abuse and the like show that young men are worse off than young women. I believe that the police, the courts (and particularly the family courts) judge men more harshly than women.
Male advantage then is very selective. It depends on sporting ability, affluence resulting in membership to the old boys’ club, intelligence and age. Many young men in our present society are worse off from an early age than their female counterparts. I believe that lasting social change can only occur if all young boys are given equal affection and, through encouraging personal values, the chance to find a meaningful niche in society.
Ageist element to advantage
The male advantage criticised by the ‘Me Too’ movement has an ageist element. It is older men who are in positions of power. In times past, they sent young men off as ‘cannon fodder’. Now, they send them off to jails.
We need better parenting and a more enlightened approach to education, to improve outcomes for little boys and more opportunities for young men.
Caution too is needed in encouraging young women to develop a self-concept that is based on victimhood. It can become addictive.
Addicted ‘victims’ need ‘demons’ and they can become quite adept in my experience at demonising the very people who try to help them. This not only destroys and diminishes their own lives but destroys the lives of others who become involved with them.
I believe the better course of action is to encourage adults to respect and heed the confidence of their children, and to teach them self-assertiveness and escape techniques. The aim surely is to keep them safe, not make them vengeful.
– J. Doreen Moulds, CLA member and mother of children, Perth 180312