We must hang on to essential freedoms
There’s a danger we could sleepwalk our way into losing our liberties, Michael Cornish says, as he examines some disturbing trends in how people are being treated. 10 April 2015
There’s a danger we could sleepwalk our way into losing our liberties, Michael Cornish says, as he examines some disturbing trends in how people are being treated. 10 April 2015
Delivering the Lionel Murphy memorial lecture for 2014, Prof George Williams gave this excellent rundown of the status of Australia’s terror laws. MPs, please take note. 6 Nov 2014
Without privacy, other key freedoms also disappear, and democracy itself disintegrates, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff has told the UN. She has called for a new UN-run internet.
Just under way is the government’s latest move to close down public access to information. Dr Allan Hawke, known for his knowledge of dummy runs on the Canberra Raiders board, has started to review Australia’s FOI and Privacy regime, with clear ‘wink an…
The Attorney-General’s criticism of WikiLeaks is classical double standards: apparently, it was OK for the government of the day to leak against whistleblower Andrew Wilkie, but anyone leaking against the then-or-now Australian Government commits a hein…
Wouldn’t it be good if, on Australia Day, PM Julia Gillard spoke out in support of the right to freedom of speech of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? If she spoke up, it would prove the accuracy of Michael’s Parkinson’s Australia Day comment that he had se…