Equality makes us happy

The recognition of ‘marriage equality’ has been dragging on for a long time. If the gay and the lesbian people live a peaceful life together without harming others, it’s a relief for our society as well. They are surely a minority group. But why those who are different to them and in the majority should have the right to decide how their position would be or should be in the community? It is a matter of human rights. A government should govern and protect human rights for all. It is about time Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull shows some leadership, takes a principledContinue reading

Humanity is not ever one-sided only

Garry Linnell neatly sums up the attitude behind every act of genocide, torture, rape, and brutality the world has endured. “We should have no qualms about executing people like Peter Scully if found guilty because they have forfeited what it is to be human. Once you stop treating him as a fellow being, the rest comes naturally.” Once we stop treating anyone as a fellow human being, all acts of violence are permitted. I have no doubt that Peter Scully is a reprehensible human being who has committed appalling acts of evil, but he is still a human being.  ItContinue reading

Refugees abandoned on islands of immorality

I was (somewhat) heartened by Karen Middleton’s article in The Saturday Paper [August 20-26, 2016], detailing the shifting debate on offshore detention. The recent material published by The Guardianreinforces the extensive chilling reporting on Manus and Nauru by The Saturday Paper. There is growing recognition of the moral bankruptcy of the present offshore detention regime with experienced mainstream commentators increasingly articulating the unacceptability of current arrangements and the overriding need to engage in genuine regional dialogue about asylum flows. It should never be forgotten that these asylum-seekers are victims, not criminals, the overwhelming majority of whom are consistently found by rigorousContinue reading